March 24, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: We worship Jesus, the Lamb who takes away our sin.
I. When I worship, I let go of doing it my way.
A. The first sacrifice was to cover the shame of sin.
B. The sacrifice God wants is a soft heart.
C. God wants me to hold nothing back.
II. Jesus is my Passover Lamb.
A. The judgement of sin is costly.
B. The lamb points us to Jesus Christ.
1. He came to die.
2. His perfection covers the cost of my imperfection.
3. He was wholly consumed by the fiery wrath of God.
4. His death is the entry to freedom and a new identity.
C. I have life through the bitter death of the Lamb.
D. Get rid of sin because of redemption, not for redemption.
E. The Passover Lamb is the door to new life.