Our Greatest Need (Psalm 73:1-28)

May 7, 2023
Passage:  Psalm 73:1-28
Speaker:  Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point:  Our need and satisfaction are found in God who is always near.

I. My vision determines my conclusion.  (1-14)
            A. I need to set my eyes on the fact that God is good.
            B. When the wicked prosper, it is hard to believe that God is good.
            C. Right relationship with God is not gained or lost with works.

II. My worship determines my vision. (15-20)
            A. Doubts are burdens to be cast on the Lord.  (cf. 1 Pet. 5:7)
            B. Worship puts my eyes back on the eternal vision of Jesus.
            C. We pay too much attention to empty shadows.

III. Now I see how near God always is to me. (21-28)
            A. God’s faithfulness is greater than my faithlessness.
            B. The satisfying life God provides is found in surrender to Him.
            C. The pure in heart are those who draw near to God.


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