August 9, 2015
Passage: Ruth 4:1-22
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: A great price has been paid so God can be your strength.
I. Redemption is wonderful, but costly.
A. “To redeem” is to pay to set something free (v1-4).
B. True love results in sacrifice – it takes a loss (v5-10).
C. You are redeemed so you can worship God (v11-13).
II. God’s plan is magnificent.
A. God met your need long ago.
B. Study your Bible to know how much you are loved.
C. All scripture is about Jesus. See Luke 24:44
III. God kept His promise and provided Jesus.
A. God does not abandon His people (v13-15).
B. Ruth is about the weak finding strength in the Son. (v16-22).