God’s View of Unity (Romans 15:7-13)

February 28, 2016
Passage:  Romans 15:7-13
Speaker:  Bill Knepper
Main Point:  We must learn to see others with eyes trained by God’s promises.

I. Unity is the laurel of the church.  (v 7)
            A. We are those transformed by Jesus Christ
            B. Therefore, we love each other completely

II. Jesus is the Savior of the world.  (v 8-12)
            A. Jesus redeems the Jews according to promise.  
            B. Jesus redeems the Gentiles according to promise.  
            C. Jesus will redeem those who are deceived in His timing.  
                        1. Egypt and Assyria will serve the Lord.   Isa 19:21-25
                        2. The Arab nations will worship the Lord in Jerusalem.   Isa 60:1-7
                        3. The nation that persecuted Israel will worship God.  

III. The believer lives now with joy and peace.  (v 13)
            A. We who believe are filled with joy and peace.  
            B. Our confidence is in God to do all He has said.  

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