Sermons by Josh Holland

Intro – Son of Man (The Gospel of Mark)

April 14, 2024Passage:  The Gospel of MarkSpeaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  The cross is my example; the empty tomb is my hope. I. The Gospel is an announcement of Good News.            A. Mark was written for Roman Christians.            B. It is likely Mark’s record of Peter’s memories.            C. God changes hearts and minds. II. Mark…

New Things Have Come (2 Corinthians 5:9-21)

March 31, 2024 (Resurrection Sunday)Passage:  2 Corinthians 5:9-21Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  The judgment, love and call of Christ moves us forward in faith. I. Eternal perspective results in healthy fear. (9-13)            A. All my motives will be exposed.            B. Future judgment moved Paul to evangelize.  (Psalm 90:12)            C. Choose to live for self or…

Worship the Lamb

March 24, 2024Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  We worship Jesus, the Lamb who takes away our sin. I. When I worship, I let go of doing it my way.            A. The first sacrifice was to cover the shame of sin.            B. The sacrifice God wants is a soft heart.            C. God wants me to hold…

What a Friend! (Psalm 116)

March 10, 2024Passage:  Psalm 116Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  We are saved to love God and proclaim His mercy. I. Grow into loving God more. (1-2)            A. God listens for the broken hearted.            B. God meets me right where I am.            C. Call on God in the good and bad times. II. God’s mercy restores…

Who is Responsible For Jesus’ Death? (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19)

March 3, 2024Passage:  Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  My sin made the cross necessary and the love of God made it beautiful. I. The Roman soldiers had a part.            A. Crucifixion was brutal and humiliating.            B. They were just doing their job.            C. Even the ignorant need forgiveness.…

Into Practice (2 Thessalonians 3:6-18)

February 25, 2024Passage:  2 Thessalonians 3:6-18Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Obeying God’s Word is always for our good. I. We have to do difficult things for the good of the others. (6-10)            A. My life must be directed by the guidelines in the Bible.            B. I honor Jesus by loving others as Christ loved me.           …

Faith Expects (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5)

February 18, 2024Passage:  2 Thessalonians 3:1-5Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  We live by faith, calling on God and obeying His Word until Christ returns. I. Live prayerfully. (1-2)            A. Paul expected God’s power through the prayers of others.            B. Pray for Gospel proclamation.            C. Pray for protection for the Gospel messengers. II. Live Expectantly. (3-5)           …

Praiseworthy Identity (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17)

February 11, 2024Passage:  2 Thessalonians 2:13-17Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Praise God for who you are in Him and what He is doing in you. I. See what God is doing in us and respond in praise.  (13-14)            A. You are loved by Jesus.            B. God chose you from eternity past.            C. God called you…

Honest Worship (Psalm 51)

February 4, 2024Passage:  Psalm 51Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Honest worship starts with a broken heart and ends with restoration. I. Our God is the good God of grace. (1-2)            A. One after God’s own heart ended up murderous.  (cf. 2 Samuel 11-12)            B. David relies on God’s character. (cf. Exodus 34:6-7) II. My heart…