My daughter exclaimed, “Another meeting? Why don’t they DO something?” She said what many of us are thinking as we watch the brutality against Ukraine from afar. It is shocking and heart-breaking. Along with the videos of the battle zone and the refugee crisis, we have a nonstop stream of talking politicians and diplomats. My daughter said what many of us are feeling and thinking. So, let’s DO something.
First, we can pray for Ukraine and our fellow believers there. To download a prayer guide, click here.
Second, we can give financially to assist the refugee crisis. Mountain View is part of Church Venture America (formerly CB America). We have a mission arm called, World Venture, and they already have workers in Poland and the Ukraine assisting Ukrainian refugees.
To give toward World Venture’s work to help refugees, click here.
Finally, keep your eyes on Jesus. “…if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1).
Go with God!