Staying put is not easy. Not all of us are stuck at home. Some have “essential jobs” and are busier than ever. Either way, we all live with the tension that has our entire country—our world—holding its breath.
The word from the Lord today is, “stay the course.” It is not easy. You might be feeling stuck or out of control. Some are lonely. Many are on the front lines, giving their all, while others don’t know what to do. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, listen to God’s call. Stay the course. There are times when God calls you to go, and there are times he calls you to be still. Trusting God with where he has you is not always easy. There will be good times and bad, but you can trust God with both.
Abraham trusted God. God said go, and he went, not knowing where he was going. The only map he had was the promises God gave him to bless him. He believed God was good.
Abraham arrived. God said this is it. He stayed the course until his faith was replaced by fear. Read about this in Genesis 12:7-20.
Where does anxiety come from? It comes from a frustrated desire to get your own way. There’s nothing wrong in getting what you want, but how do you respond when that freedom is removed, when security evaporates?
Abraham had God’s roadmap, which was a promise that God would bless and protect Abraham. When a famine came, He did not stay the course. Rather than wait on God, he headed out on his own. He went to Egypt.
How did that end up for Abraham and for his family? It was a mess. The drip-drip of fear and anxiety turned into a flood. His decisions after that were driven by self-preservation and fear. He nearly lost his wife, and could have lost his life.
But God is so good. Even when our faith fails, God remains faithful. God protected Abraham, causing the Egyptians to deport him—back to the promised land! In Genesis 12, Abraham learns that God can be trusted, and that God doesn’t give up on us.
The word from the Lord for us today and this week is, “Stay the course!” The novelty is wearing off. For some, cabin fever has set in. Exhaustion is plaguing others. Now more than ever, you will be tempted to lash out, to find your own course, to withdraw. Now more than ever you need to cast your care on God, believing that he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). You need stop reading the incessant headlines about the coronavirus and the economy and start reading your Bible. You need to stop complaining about your circumstances, and start praying.
Trust that God has you right where you are at for a purpose. He might be preparing you for something yet to come. Whether you are shut up at home, driving truck long distance, working in a warehouse, stuck with kids who would rather be with friends or at school, trying to do your job from home or with new limitations—trust that God sees the bigger picture. He’s got this. He’s got you. Stay the course, whether you’re moving a million miles an hour or having to be still. Stay the course, trust in God.
“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7).
The nearness of God is my good (Ps. 73:28).