January 21, 2018
Passage: Revelation 4:6-11
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: God is worthy of worship and we are fulfilled when we worship.
I. The throne displays God’s creative and redeeming work. (6-7)
A. The tabernacle of Moses was a copy. Hebrews 8:5
B. The living creatures portray His majestic character.
1. These are cherubim—Psalm 80:1
2. They are a part of a single message throughout the Bible

II. The angels of God acknowledge Him in worship. (8)
A. They are not blind but full of eyes. (Aware of everything)
B. They worship God’s perfections.
1. holy (3 times) (When God repeats something it is for emphasis, therefore He is very holy)
2. omnipotent (God is ruler over all)
3. eternal (God is beyond space and time)
III. The elders affirm the worship of God. (9-11)
A. The elders give God all glory.
B. Their crowns are removed in worship.
C. Their worship repeats.