September 17, 2023
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Read the Word to be encouraged and to speak encouragement to others.

I. The Gospel is a life-giving message that has spiritual opposition.
A. God gives each of us a mission field to pray for and reach.
B. Opposition to the message can wear down the messenger.
C. I experience the power of God most when I am weak.
II. Encourage one another with Godly communication. (v.1)
A. Paul wrote a letter of encouragement after hearing a testimony.
B. We each have a story of being “called out” of darkness, into light.
(cf. 1 Peter 2:9)
C. There can be no true peace until God’s grace has dealt with sin.
III. Give God honor for the marvelous things He has done. (v.2-3)
A. Salvation is by a faith that produces action.
B. Jesus’ “labor of love” was the cross—I want to love like Jesus.
C. Hang in there by placing confidence in Christ, step-by-step.