June 4, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Knowing our good God comes from knowing and responding to His Word.

I. Right response to God depends on clear understanding. (1-8; Ezra 7:10)
A. Seeking God’s word begins with a receptive heart.
B. God’s Word powerfully cleanses the heart. (John 15:3; Ephesians 5:26)
C. Study God’s Word with other believers.
D. Clear communication and understanding of God’s Word is our goal.

II. Emotions and feelings are shaped by clear understanding. (9-12; Galatians 3:24)
A. Respond to sin with conviction and grief.
B. Focus on redemption and rejoice! (Psalm 19:7-8)
C. True joy is based on believing what God says about Himself and about who I am in Him