December 13, 2020
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Reading the Bible, trusting that it is the authoritative Word of God.
I. The Bible is the most unique book in world history.
II. God gave us the Bible to show us how to live. (2 Tim. 3:16)
A. The Bible is “God-breathed.
B. Every word of the Bible is inspired: verbal.
C. Every part of the Bible is inspired: plenary.
D. The whole Bible is profitable.
III. If the Bible is inspired, then it can be trusted. (2nd Pet. 1:16-21)
A. It is infallible.
B. It is without error.
C. God used imperfect men to give us a completely truthful.
IV. If the Bible is inspired, then I must submit to it.