February 19, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Taking my needs to God prepares my heart to do His will.
I. Become aware of what the Lord wants done. (1-4)
A. God puts his people in position for His purpose. (Ezekiel 22:30)
B. Identify where the walls are down because of neglect or sin.
C. Real concern has a real and emotional response. (Isaiah 49:15-16)

II. Take every burden to the Lord in prayer. (5-10)
A. Praise God who is bigger than everything.
B. Confess my own sins and my part of corporate sins. (Isaiah 6:5)
C. Claim the great promises of God.
D. Believe in the redeeming love of God.
III. Care enough to volunteer. (11)
A. Nehemiah’s prayer resulted in clear vision.
B. Prayer brings the peace of Jesus to my burdened heart.
C. Prayer readies my faith for action.