January 29, 2023
Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:1-22
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Seek the Lord in prayer and respond to His promises with praise.
I. In the school of faith we learn to walk and talk with God.
A. Jehoshaphat learned lessons of faith and failure from his dad.
B. We learn spiritual compromise is deadly. (2 Chronicles 18-19)
C. We are humbled, but our hearts are won over by grace.

II. The appropriate response to fear is prayer. (v. 1-12)
A. Call on God who can handle every situation and need.
B. Call on God who miraculously established Israel.
C. Call on God who is perfectly just.
D. Call on God as the ones who are perfectly powerless.
III. The appropriate prayer is full of worship and praise. (13-19)
A. The lasting result of thankful prayer is fearless peace.
B. The message of tomorrow’s victory deserves today’s praise.
C. Whole-hearted prayer and praise are works of faith.