Our Great Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

November 19, 2023
Passage:  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Speaker:  Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point:  We rejoice in hope every day for the Lord’s return any day.

I. Death and sorrow tempt us to despair.  (v.13-14)
            A. Ignorance of the truth is not bliss.
            B. Only my body will die.
            C. We are not controlled by grief, but informed by hope.

II. Rejoice in God’s resurrection and rapture revelation. (v.15-17)
            A. Paul believed Jesus would come at any time.
            B. First, we will hear the signal.
            C. Next, bodies of deceased believers will rise.
            D. Afterward, living believers will be “caught up,” or raptured.
                        1.  Pre-tribulation rapture: believers will be caught up
                         before any part of the 7 year tribulation begins.
                        2.  Mid-tribulation rapture: the church will be caught
                         up 3½ years into the 7 year tribulation.
                        3.  Pre-wrath: believers will be caught up during the
                         second half of the tribulation.
                        4.  Post-tribulation view: the church will remain for
                         all 7 years of the tribulation.

III. We teach that the rapture is before the tribulation. (v.17-20)
            A. Paul believed the rapture was the next event, not after an event.
            B. The teaching about the rapture was to give comfort.
            C. Jesus will come as the groom for His bride.

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