May 28, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 7:1-73
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Guard the work, grow together in Christ, and give thanks to God.

I. We must guard the work that has been done. (1-3) (2 Timothy 1:12-14)
A. Good leaders need good help.
B. Pay attention to what comes into the church, mission and family.
C. Satan targets the work by attacking the workers. (Ephesians 6:13)
II. After I am saved, it is time to start growing. (4-69)
A. Sanctification is the process of being set apart for God’s purpose.

B. I can stunt my own growth with sin and a hard heart.
C. Only those in God’s family tree will be counted in the end.
III. Give praise if you are counted as God’s family. (70-73)
A. We worship in song, service and giving.
B. We worship by celebrating the great things God has done.
C. We worship by joining God in the people business.