Growing Hope (Genesis 30:25-31:13)

January 23, 2022
Passage:  Genesis 30:25-31:13
Speaker:  Josh Holland
Main Point:  Choose to hope in God and fear starts to lose its grip.

I. Remembering God’s promises refreshes my hope.  (29:31-35)
            A. Jacob had humble hope and quiet confidence.
            B. Grace is simply about a relationship with God.
            C. Rely on God and only God.

II. Trusting in God takes effort and intention.  (30:35-43)
A. Laban’s hope for gain was overcome by his fear of loss.
            B. Walking in faith matters more than my methods.
            C. Grace becomes amazing as I realize what I deserve.

III. I see God’s provision unfold as I trust in Him.  (v.1-13)
            A. He will lead my steps at the right moment.
            B. Family strife was part of God’s plan to get Jacob home.
            C. As I follow the Shepherd, I come to recognize his voice.


  1. Remembering God’s promises refreshed me! I identify with the third point. When I was first asked by Wycliffe to go to Cameroon, my heart sank. “Where in the world is Cameroon?” But true to His purposes, God changed my heart to align with His. As I stepped out in faith, this place that God chose for me to serve has become a blessing for our family and ministry. Day by day, year by year, I choose to obey Him and can face with hope all that lies ahead.

  2. What a wonderful God we have. Good to hear from you Cheryl! Thanks for following the Lord and listening to Him as he spoke to your heart! You have been a blessing to so many, here at Mountain View and there in Cameroon! God bless!

    Pastor Josh

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