January 3, 2016
Passage: Romans 13:1-7
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: We obey the government and the government obeys God.
I. God establishes government. (v 1-2)
A. God appoints every government.
B. The believer is to submit to the government.
II. Government’s is God’s servant for good. (v 3-4)
A. Government is used to control conduct. Genesis 9:5-6
B. The sword represents the power to punish.
(The Ten Commandments apply to us while the ability to perform capital
punishment applies to the government/national)

III. Therefore we are to obey the government. (v 5-7)
A. We are to keep the laws.
B. We are to pay the taxes.
C. We are to give respect.