July 23, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 11:1 – 12:47
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Serve Him where He has you, with what He gives you, boasting in what He has done for you.
I. The greatest gift I can give God is myself. (11:1-12:26)
A. I was rescued from self-worship to worship God.
B. The nation gives a tenth of itself.
C. We are all called to give ourselves to God as an offering. (Romans 12:1;
1 Peter 2:5; 1 Corinthians 6:20)

D. Recognize God’s sovereignty over this world.
II. Give God a joyful walk of faith and praise. (27-43)
A. Holiness is at the root of happiness.
B. Celebrate the last step of faith by taking the next one. (Genesis 13:17; Joshua 1:3)

C. Don’t stop singing God’s praises, it is contagious.
III. Let joyful giving to the Lord become your lifestyle. (44-47)
A. They gave because they recommitted themselves to God.
B. They gave because the ministers obeyed God’s word.
C. Giving should be a joyful response to God in my life.