September 24, 2017
Passage: Revelation 1:9-20
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Jesus sent a letter to tell you He has the future in His hands.
I. Jesus wants His church to know what will happen. (1:9-11)
A. John is a companion in the trials and triumphs.
B. John is called to write the prophecy. (See 1 Kings – RE Elijah)
II. Jesus is leading His church from a position of power. (1:12-16)
A. The seven golden lampstands are the churches.
B. But among the lampstands is the Lord Jesus.

III. Jesus comforts His Own by controlling the future. (1:17-20)
A. Fear is replaced with faith.
B. The church must know what is about to happen.
C. The message is for those in Christ.