July 9, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 10:1-39
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: My place in Christ is secure, but am I giving Christ the proper place in my life?
I. The people submit themselves to God’s Word. (1-29; Nehemiah 9:38)

A. The people recommit themselves to follow God’s Law.
B. You cannot truly commit to what you don’t understand.
C. The Old Covenant was based on man’s commitment. (Numbers 30:2; Galatians 3:21-25; Matthew 5:34-37)
D. The New Covenant is based on trusting in God’s commitment.

II. The people separate themselves to God. (28-31)
A. They identify themselves as belonging to God. (John 17:18; Hebrews 10:23-25)
B. They follow God from the heart, resulting in distinct obedience.

III. The people worshiped God with their resources. (30-38)
A. The focal point of their worship was at the “house of God”.
B. Caring about worship indicates what we think of God.
C. Caring for the ministers enabled ministry to happen.
D. We give in response to the great grace of God.