July 2, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 9:1-38
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Remember, respond and return to the great God of grace!

I. In light of God’s faithfulness, we confess our faithlessness. (1-8; Nehemiah 8:17-18)
A. Worship needs to be thoughtful.
B. Let worship take time. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
C. Worship begins with focusing on the greatness of God.
II. In light of the record, we confess that God is good. (9-29)
A. God remembers and redeems His people.
B. Israel repeatedly abandoned their good Deliverer. (Isaiah 38:17)
C. God’s judgement is light compared to His heavy compassion.
III. Respond by boldly calling on God’s amazing grace. (30-38)
A. We cry to out God because we believe He is good.
B. We admit our punishment for sin is deserved.
C. My relationship with God is based on His faithfulness.