Boaz – A Kinsman-Redeemer (Ruth)

November 14, 2021
Passage:  Ruth
  Bill Knepper

I. Boaz was a man who obeyed God.   (Ruth 2:1-3)
            A. He is introduced as a prominent person.
            B. He lived as an obedient man.  (Lev. 23:22)

II. Boaz rescues a family as a Kinsman-Redeemer.
A. Ruth’s family has seen hard times.  (v. 1:1-5; 15-17).
            B. Ruth happens unto the land of Boaz.  (v. 2:6-12; 19-20).
            C. Boaz stands in for the needy family.  (Lev. 25:25-27)

III. Jesus Christ is our Kinsman-Redeemer.
            A. Jesus is able to redeem because He is the Son of God.
            B. Jesus is able to stand for us because He became human.
            C. Boaz is a type of Christ.

One Comment

  1. I’ve always loved this story. These people are just normal people like us, living in a different culture, but with the same feelings and emotions that we have today. And we have the same opportunities to live out our faith and convictions as they did.

    Not sure whether this story or the story of Esther and Mordecai is my all time favorite example of living out their faith.

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