March 6, 2011
Passage: Daniel 7:1-28
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: God’s Word is completely true so trust it.
I. Daniel’s book combines history and prophecy.
A. Chapters 1-6 are mainly history.
B. Chapters 7-12 are mainly prophecy.
C. Daniel is called a key to Bible prophecy.
D. Chapter 7 gives us a wide–angle view.
II. The four beasts represent four empires.
A. The date given makes Daniel about 67 years old.
B. The sea represents humanity.

C. The little horn that arises is the antichrist.
III. God controls the affairs of the world.
A. God controls the kings and their nations. (Proverbs 21:1)
B. God’s Word is perfect and lasts forever. (Matthew 24:35)
C. Put your trust in the Word of God.