June 11, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 8:13-18
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Rejoice as you read of the great things our God has done, is doing and will do.

I. Respond to God’s Word by studying it more. (13; Ezra 7:10)
A. Joyless and boring teaching is a tragedy.
B. Some are responsible to lead others in understanding God’s Word.
C. We are all responsible to follow God wholeheartedly. (Deuteronomy 6, 8)

II. Studying God’s Word results in learning God’s will. (14-15)
A. I need to keep studying the Bible, there is more to find.
B. Studying God’s Word needs to be followed by applying it. (James 1:23-24)
C. The people did “as it is written”.

III. Doing God’s will is an act of worship. (16-18)
A. The Feast of Booths is a time to remember the Giver of blessings.
(cf. Deuteronomy 8).
B. We remember to have faith for today and hope for tomorrow.
(cf. Zechariah 14, 14:6).
C. If I have a heart to follow Him, I will do as it is written.
D. The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:11)