June 5, 2011Passage: 1 John 2:1-6Speaker: Pastor Dave Knepper
June 5, 2011Passage: 1 John 2:1-6Speaker: Pastor Dave Knepper
January 23, 2011Passage: Psalm 139:1-16Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
January 2, 2011Passage: Hebrews 1:1-3; 12:1-2Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
November 21, 2010Passage: Luke 7:36-50Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
September 5, 2010Passage: Luke 11:1-14Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Faith in God means trusting all that we are to all that He is.
August 8, 2010Passage: John 1:19-29Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
July 11, 2010Passage: Matthew 8:5-13Speaker: Pastor Dave Knepper
April 25, 2010Passage: Romans 8:26-27Speaker: Pastor Dave Knepper
April 18, 2010Passage: Philippians 4:4-7Speaker: Pastor Doyle Pickens
March 28, 2010Speaker: Elder John Lawrence