Sermons by Bill Knepper (Page 8)

White Robes (Revelation 7:1-17)

February 25, 2018Passage:  Revelation 7:1-17Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The love of God is greater than the deepest trial. I. God commissions a team of global evangelists.   (1-8)    (Also John 4:19 & Daniel 9)            A. John’s vision has a pause button.            B. From every tribe of Israel, 144,000 are marked.            C. The seal is God’s proof…

Antichrist Arises (Revelation 6:1-17)

February 18, 2018Passage:  Revelation 6:1-17Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Once the offer of mercy is removed, justice is all that remains. I. The world stage is set for the rise of the antichrist.            A. The time of the end is revealed to Daniel.   (Daniel 9:24-27)            B. The removal of the Spirit sets the stage.  (2 Thessalonians…

Every Knee Bows (Revelation 5:8-14)

February 11, 2018Passage:  Revelation 5:8-14Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.  (Romans 8:18) I. The promise of God’s rule is being fulfilled.   (8-10)            A. God’s rule of justice was promised long ago. (Psalm 2)            B. But things are clearly out…

The Scroll (Revelation 5:1-7)

February 4, 2018Passage:  Revelation 5:1-7Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The story of the whole world is centered on Jesus Christ. I. The scroll contains the solution for earth’s problem.   (1-3            A. The scroll is held by God—the Father.                        1.  Written inside and out—                        2.  It is sealed with 7 seals—                        3.  It contains the solution for…

Worthy of Worship (Revelation 4:6-11)

January 21, 2018Passage:  Revelation  4:6-11Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God is worthy of worship and we are fulfilled when we worship. I. The throne displays God’s creative and redeeming work.   (6-7)            A. The tabernacle of Moses was a copy.  Hebrews 8:5            B. The living creatures portray His majestic character.                        1.  These are cherubim—Psalm 80:1                        2.  They…

Come Up Here (Revelation 4:1-5)

January 14, 2018Passage:  Revelation 4:1-5Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Heaven is real and our blessed hope is the Lord’s coming for us. I. The revelation moves from earth to heaven.   (v. 1)            A. From this point forward the events are future. (1:19)            B. Eschatology is the study of future things.                        1.  Three broad terms define how…

The Virgin Birth (Genesis 3:1-9; Romans 5:12-21; Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38)

December 31, 2017Passage:  Genesis 3:1-9; Romans 5:12-21; Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Jesus is uniquely able to be the Savior of mankind. I. The penalty for sin began with Adam.   (Genesis 3:1-9)            A. Knowledge is learned intellectually and experientially.            B. The world and mankind were cursed through Adam. II. Forgiveness is found…

A Wonderful Promise (Matthew 5:1-12)

December 24, 2017Passage:  Matthew 5:1-12Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The brokenness of the world is made right by Jesus Christ. I. Those that are taught have strength from the truth.            A. The crowds came to Jesus.            B. Jesus taught them. II. Those that are in Christ are not victims of circumstances.            A. The poor in spirit…

A Christmas Story (Matthew 1:20-25)

December 17, 2017Passage:  Matthew 1:20-25Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The divine glory takes on humanity to save us from our sins. I. The problems of the world started at the beginning.            A. The world and its people were made perfect.            B. The people believed a lie and rebelled.            C. The difficulties we face are part of…