Sermons by Bill Knepper (Page 34)

A Really Hard Day at the Office (Daniel 3:1-30)

February 6, 2011Passage:  Daniel 3:1-30Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God wants you to be faithful, not famous. I. Real faith trusts God for any outcome.            A. Challenges to faith arise suddenly.            B. People of faith trust completely.            C. God will do what is perfect. II. Trials lead to mature faith.            A. Be faithful!            B. Be available!           …

The World in His Hands (Daniel 2:31-49)

January 30, 2011Passage:  Daniel 2:31-49Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God controls the future and your life. I. Daniel’s prophecy has been literally fulfilled.            A. The statute represents four world powers.             B. History proves Daniel was right. II. God is bringing all things to a conclusion.            A. The Rock is cut out without hands.  (1 Corinthians…

God Is Never Limited by Circumstances (Daniel 2:1-30)

January 16, 2011Passage:  Daniel 2:1-30Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Keep a view on what God is doing around you. I. Life presents great challenges.            A. Nebuchadnezzar offers an ultimatum.            B. Challenges still confront the people of God. II. Meet great challenges with great faith.            A. Daniel saw how God could be glorified.            B. Discover God’s agenda…

God Works All Things to His Purpose (Daniel 1)

January 9, 2011Passage:  Daniel 1Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God controls every circumstance, so don’t lose hope. I. God is in control.         A. Nebuchadnezzar was a tool in God’s hand.         B. Daniel was a tool in God’s hand. II. Therefore, stay committed to Christ.         A. Daniel refused to defile himself.                  1.  He faced rationalization.                  2.  He…

Jesus Is the Vine (John 15:1-15)

December 26, 2010Passage:  John 15:1-15Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.  John 13:35 I. God is working in the believer’s life.  (John 15:1-4)            A. Jesus is our strength.            B. The Father is our Master.            C. God’s work in us is for fruit.…

Jesus Is the Door and the Shepherd (John 10:1-21)

December 19, 2010Passage:  John 10:1-21Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Jesus calls His own to follow Him. I. The Messiah has come.  (John 10:1-6)            A. Others have falsely claimed to be the Messiah.            B. The true Messiah is recognized by His own.            C. The teachers failed to understand the lesson. II. Jesus is the Door.  (John 10:7-10)           …

Jesus Is The Bread of Life (John 6:25-71)

December 5, 2010Passage:  John 6:25-71Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  A decision for Jesus is all or nothing. I. Some people are spiritually shallow.            A. They have the wrong motive.   (25-27)            B. The use the wrong method.   (28-31)            C. They have a poor memory.    (32-33)            D. They use the wrong manner.    (34-40) II. Some people are spiritually…