Sermons by Bill Knepper (Page 12)

Our Amazing Redeemer (Colossians 1:18-20)

November 13, 2016Passage:  Colossians 1:18-20Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point: God Himself has dealt with the separation between God and man. I. Jesus holds the first place in everything. (v 18)            A. He is the head of the church.  (Gnosticism)            B. He is the first raised from the dead.  (Born)            C. He is preeminent over all. II.…

Our Amazing Creator (Colossians 1:15-17)

November 6, 2016Passage:  Colossians 1:15-17Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus is the Most High God who made you. I. Jesus is the Head of everything. (v 15)            A. Jesus is the eternal God.            B. Jesus is the head of all creation. II. Jesus created everything. (v 16)            A. Jesus created everything on earth.            B. Jesus created…

How To Pray For A Friend (Colossians 1:9-12)

October 30, 2016Passage:  Colossians 1:9-12Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point: Knowing God better makes life better. I. Knowing God’s will is vital for growing. (v 9)            A. Paul prays that they will learn about God.            B. Learning involves wisdom not just facts.            C. Learning about God is spiritual understanding. II. The fruit of knowledge about God is…

The Prophets – Malachi (432-425 BC) (Malachi)

October 2, 2016Passage:  MalachiSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Obedience is key to joy. I. God’s love is evident through history.  (Past)         A. God chose Israel for His blessing.   (v1:1-5)         B. When we look over our shoulder we see His love.   II. Living in obedience ensures our joy.  (Present)         A. The priest of Israel did not obey.  …

The Prophets – Zechariah (520-470 BC) (Zechariah)

September 25, 2016Passage:  ZechariahSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Press on!  The Lord is coming soon. I. Eight visions – God will restore things.            A. He will rebuke the nations and bless Israel.   (v 1:15-17)            B. He will judge the nations that attacked Israel.   (v 1:20)            C. He will restore Jerusalem and bless it.   (v 2:4-5)            D.…

The Prophets – Haggai (520 BC) (Haggai)

September 18, 2016Passage:  Haggai, EzraSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Keeping God first is a daily decision. I. It is easy to lose focus.            A. Israel did.            B. Many things can take our eyes off Jesus. II. We must check our focus daily.            A. Israel learned.            B. Take a look at your life:                        1. You cannot worship…

The Prophets – Zephaniah (630 BC) (Zephaniah)

September 11, 2016Passage:  ZephaniahSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Every generation needs to give all allegiance to the Lord. I. The righteous long for the end of sin (2 Chronicles 34:1-21)            A. Josiah brought revival to Judah.   (Also 2 Kings 22:1)            B. America has known times of revival.   II. Revival is delayed when the people love sin.           …

The Prophets – Habakkuk (607 BC) (Habakkuk)

September 4, 2016Passage:  HabakkukSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God might use people you don’t like to teach lessons you need. I. Evil often seems to defeat good.  (Chap 1)            A. Habakkuk asks God why He is allowing the evil.   (v 1:1-4)            B. God announces His plan to use the Chaldeans.   (V1:5-11)            C. Habakkuk is shocked!   (1:12-17)…

The Prophets – Nahum (660 BC) (Nahum)

August 28, 2016Passage:  NahumSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The Lord is slow to anger but great in power. I. God is merciful.         A. God gave Nineveh an opportunity to change. Jonah 760 BC Nahum 660 BC The mercy of God The judgment of God Repentance of Nineveh rebellion of Nineveh Disobedient prophet Disobedient nation             B.…