Sermons by Bill Knepper (Page 10)

Heaven Is My Home (Psalm 27)

June 11, 2017 Passage:  Psalm 27Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  We can live on earth like a citizen of heaven. I. We come.  (v 1-6)            A. God is our protector.            B. God is our passion. II. We seek. (v 7-12)            A. We seek His face.            B. He directs our paths. III. We wait. (v 13-14)            A. We…

Loyal Love (Psalm 77)

June 4, 2017Passage:  Psalm 77Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Hope means we remember God’s loyal love and wait for it now. I. Some days are not as good as others.  (v 1-6)            A. We cry out to God            B. We ponder on our pillow. II. We can question God’s goodness. (v 7-9)            A. We use words…

Living For God Is Worth It (Psalm 73)

May 21, 2017Passage:  Psalm 73Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Live now in light of eternity. I. Evil triumphs too often.  (v 1-12)            A. Asaph reveals his struggle.            B. Wicked people seem to do very well. II. The triumph of evil leads to despair. (v 13-15)            A. We question trying to live righteously.            B. We suffer in…

Disappointment (Psalm 6)

May 7, 2017Passage:  Psalm 6Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  No matter how desperate, don’t let go of God. I. Troubles can come suddenly.  (v 1-3)            A. David was struggling.            B. Things can change quickly. II. Turn to the Lord right away. (v 4-7)            A. David depends on God’s faithful love.            B. The Lord loves His own…

Trust God (Psalm 62)

April 30, 2017Passage:  Psalm 62Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Let go of false hopes and put all your trust in the Lord. I. Trust God when betrayed.  (v 1-4)            A. God is worthy of your trust.                        1.  God is safer.                        2.  God is greater.                        3.  God is wiser.            B. Turn to the Lord when people turn…

He Is Risen! (The Gospels)

April 16, 2017Passage:  The GospelsSpeaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  The resurrection is an irrefutable fact. I. Jesus was declared to be dead.            A. John 19:31-37;  He was pierced.            B. Mark 15:42-45;  The centurion testified.            C. John 19:39-42;  He was wrapped with 75 lbs. of spices. II. A tomb was available and used.            A. Matthew 27:59-60; …

Day By Day With Jesus (Colossians 4:2-18)

April 9, 2017Passage:  Colossians 4:2-18Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Prayer and people are the daily concerns of the believer. I. Keep prayer a priority.  (v 2-4)            A. The challenge is to be alert.            B. The context is to be thankful.            C. The content is to be strategic. II. Keep relationships real.  (v 5-6)            A. The method…

Love Leads (Colossians 3:20-4:1)

April 2, 2017Passage:  Colossians 3:20-4:1Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Love leads us in all our relationships. I. Children honor the Lord by obeying their parents.  (v 20)            A. Parents have a job to do.                                                    3.direction.            B. But trust belongs with the Lord. II. Parents produce great kids by not discouraging them.  (v 21)            A.…

Healthy Marriage (Colossians 3:18-19)

March 26, 2017Passage:  Colossians 3:18-19Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Healthy marriage is built on unity of purpose and radical love. I. Biblical submission is yielding one’s will for unity.  (v 18)            A. Submission is not                        1. weakness                        2. passivity                        3. inferiority                        4. sub-human            B. Submission is                        1. strength                        2. intelligence                        3. long range II. Biblical love…