February 19, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-11Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Taking my needs to God prepares my heart to do His will. I. Become aware of what the Lord wants done. (1-4) A. God puts his people in position for His purpose. (Ezekiel 22:30) B. Identify where the walls are down because of neglect or sin. …
February 12, 2023Passage: Nehemiah IntroductionSpeaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: We rest in a God who redeems and restores sinful people. I. The enemy always opposes God’s good work. A. Because of sin, we were all exiled from the presence of God. B. God promises to save and bless, but I must believe. C. The enemy’s…
January 28, 2023Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
January 8, 2023Passage: 1 John 4:20 – 5:21Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: God gives us His love so we can love Him and one another. I. Passion for Christ is expressed in compassion for people. (4:20-5:3a) A. Everyone must believe in Jesus for salvation. B. Love for one another must be unconditional. C. Obedience is…
January 1, 2023Passage: 1 John 4:7-19Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: The more I know God, the more fearlessly I love God and others. I. God sent His Son so I could live through Him. (7-11) A. Love does not define God, rather God has defined love. B. To experience the love of God, I must…
December 18, 2022