January 11, 2015Passage: Romans 4:13-25Speaker: Josh Holland I. Salvation only comes by faith. (4:13-15) A. The promise is to Abraham and his descendants. (v13) B. Works and religious tradition cancel the promise. (v14) 1. The promise was unconditional. 2. Only a few received the law. C. The law exposes your need for salvation. (v15) II.…
January 4, 2015Passage: Romans 4:9-12Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Like Abraham we are heirs of God’s family by faith. I. We are justified by faith not works. A. Our debt is greater than we can pay. B. Our Savior has paid our debt. II. Salvation is available to the entire world. A. Some have an advantage. …
December 28, 2014Passage: Romans 4:1-8Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Life forever is God’s gift to the One who believes. I. God has said the same thing for 4000 years. (1-3) A. Abraham was saved by faith. B. Abraham was the father of faith. II. God offers the gift of salvation by faith. (4-5) A. Those who…
November 23, 2014Passage: Romans 3:21-31Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Everyone has access to God through faith in Jesus Christ. I. We fall short of the glory of God. (21-23) A. None of us is righteous. B. But God is righteous. C. We all have sinned. II. God offers righteousness as a gift. (24-26) A. We are…
November 16, 2014Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1-7Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Elders are good men mature enough to guard the church. I. Jesus is the head of the church. A. Jesus is the One who builds the church. B. Elders are those who lead the church. II. Elders are to be those becoming more like Jesus. …
November 9, 2014Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1-7Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Elders are good men mature enough to guard the church. I. The church is God’s plan and design. A. Jesus declared He would build the church. (Matthew 16:18) B. It is the pillar & foundation of truth. (1 Timothy 3:15) C. Jesus’ final prayer was…