October 18, 2015Passage: Romans 11:1-10Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God’s purposes will succeed no matter what. I. God’s eternal plans cannot be defeated. (v 1-2) A. God has not rejected His people. B. Paul is an example of a Messianic Jew. C. God is God and His will, will be done. 1. Foreknow does not mean…
October 11, 2015Passage: Romans 10:14-21Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: An obedient believer declares the gospel of Christ no matter what the response. I. Unbelievers must hear the Good News. (v 14-15) A. They cannot call on someone they do not believe in. B. They cannot believe in someone they do not know. C. They cannot know…
October 4, 2015Passage: Romans 10:1-13Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The only way to gain eternal life is the gift of Jesus Christ. I. Pray for the lost. (v 1-3) A. Have a heart of compassion. B. Understand their condition. C. Look out for self-deception. II. The lost need Jesus. (v 4-10) A. The law leads to…
September 27, 2015Passage: Romans 9:25-33Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Anyone can be a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ. I. God loves all His people. (v 25-26) A. God used Hosea to teach Israel about grace. (Refers to a passage in Hosea) B. Paul used Hosea to teach us about faith. II. God…
September 20, 2015Passage: Romans 9:14-24Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God is wise enough to rule with justice and yet show mercy. I. God is both just and merciful. (v. 14-16) A. God is sovereign not dependent. B. God is also merciful. II. God’s mercy is evident even on His opponent. (v. 17-18) A. Pharaoh received mercy…
September 13, 2015Passage: Romans 9:1-13Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Every generation must make the decision to trust God. I. We grieve for the unsaved. (v 1-3) A. Our sorrow may run deep. B. We may grasp at any solution. II. There are missed opportunities. (v 4-5) A. Israel enjoyed God’s great love. B. Many have been…
September 6, 2015Passage: Jude 20-25Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Despite the failures of some, stay true and stay kind. I. Keep your heart true to Scripture. (v20-21) A. Build one another in the apostles’ teaching. (Acts 2:42) B. Pray according to the spirit’s will. C. Preserve your focus on the Lord’s return. II. Keep your heart…
August 30, 2015Passage: Jude 12-19Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The church must be open to everyone, yet wise about each one. I. The body of Christ is a beautiful thing. A. Lives are transformed by God’s work. B. Deep friendships are made that endure trials. C. Great fellowship encourages the heart. II. This beauty can also…
August 23, 2015Passage: Jude 5-11Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God’s patience must not be confused with God’s punishment. I. God has a record of dealing with rebellion. (v 5-7) A. He judged the worshipers of the golden calf. B. He judged the angels who deserted heaven. C. He erased the cities of sin in Canaan (Sodom…