October 1, 2023Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: God gives me opportunities to examine my heart in the light of His Word. I. I am called to Gospel stewardship. (v.1-4) A. The Gospel record of life transformation speaks for itself. B. God tests me to grow and improve me. C. Today is a…
September 24, 2023Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:3-10Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Praise God for the assurance of salvation and our Hope in Jesus. I. Walk thankfully because of our powerful God. (v.2-3) A. I believe God can accomplish what I cannot. B. I may suffer loss because I love the One who loved me first. C.…
September 17, 2023Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Read the Word to be encouraged and to speak encouragement to others. I. The Gospel is a life-giving message that has spiritual opposition. A. God gives each of us a mission field to pray for and reach. B. Opposition to the message can wear down…
September 10, 2023Passage: Various PassagesSpeaker: Pastor Rodney DeJagerMain Point: Preaching allows us to understand and apply God’s unchangeable Word in our ever-changing world. I. God’s Word has endless wisdom. (Matthew 13:52; 1 Timothy 3:14-17) II. The Holy Spirit is always speaking. (Romans 10:13-14; Isaiah 55:10-11; Colossians 1:28) III. The world is always changing. (2 Timothy…
September 3, 2023Passage: Psalm 47Speaker: Pastor Rodney DeJager
August 20, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 13:15-31Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Celebrate what the Lord has done and what He gives us to do. I. Understanding the Sabbath helps me understand work. (15-22) A. Rest and wholeness were lost because of sin. B. Sabbath observance was a reminder of God’s covenant with Israel. (cf. Exodus 31:13-16; Deuteronomy…
August 6, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 13:1-14Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Every area of my life belongs to the God who redeemed me. I. Revival and reform needs to by my lifestyle. (1-3) A. When I read the Bible, I see myself as God sees me. (1 Corinthians 10:11) B. God will give me understanding as I…
July 23, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 11:1 – 12:47Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Serve Him where He has you, with what He gives you, boasting in what He has done for you. I. The greatest gift I can give God is myself. (11:1-12:26) A. I was rescued from self-worship to worship God. B. The nation gives a…