April 23, 2017Passage: Philippians 4:1-9Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: We live together in mind-blowing peace, rooted in knowing Jesus. I. We are to pursue the peace God provides. (v 1-3) A. See yourself in light of eternity. B. Jesus invites you to join in what He is doing. C. God’s family is marked by merciful relationships.…
April 9, 2017Passage: Colossians 4:2-18Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Prayer and people are the daily concerns of the believer. I. Keep prayer a priority. (v 2-4) A. The challenge is to be alert. B. The context is to be thankful. C. The content is to be strategic. II. Keep relationships real. (v 5-6) A. The method…
April 2, 2017Passage: Colossians 3:20-4:1Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Love leads us in all our relationships. I. Children honor the Lord by obeying their parents. (v 20) A. Parents have a job to do. 1.safety. 2.joy. 3.direction. B. But trust belongs with the Lord. II. Parents produce great kids by not discouraging them. (v 21) A.…
March 26, 2017Passage: Colossians 3:18-19Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Healthy marriage is built on unity of purpose and radical love. I. Biblical submission is yielding one’s will for unity. (v 18) A. Submission is not 1. weakness 2. passivity 3. inferiority 4. sub-human B. Submission is 1. strength 2. intelligence 3. long range II. Biblical love…