October 8, 2017Passage: Revelation 2:8-17Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Believe Jesus’ promise of a great reward and press on. I. Hold on to God’s promise no matter what. (v 8-11) A. Jesus is worthy of our total trust. B. Even persecution cannot undo the promise. C. The plan of God will not be stopped. II. Hold…
October 1, 2017Passage: Revelation 2:1-7Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus at the center of life keeps everything else in its place. I. Jesus gives praise where it is due. (v 1-3) A. The Lord knows our strengths. (Acts 1:21) B. The Lord knows the price we’ve paid. II. Jesus gives correction where it is needed. (v…
September 24, 2017 Passage: Revelation 1:9-20Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus sent a letter to tell you He has the future in His hands. I. Jesus wants His church to know what will happen. (1:9-11) A. John is a companion in the trials and triumphs. B. John is called to write the prophecy. (See 1 Kings…
September 17, 2017Passage: Revelation 1:1-8Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus always speaks the truth, so listen. I. Revelation is a challenging book for Bible students. A. The author is John. 1. He was in the inner circle of disciples (Peter and James) 2. He was a leader in the church and an Apostle. 3. He was…
September 10, 2017Passage: Acts 1:12-26Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Wait on God wholeheartedly because He is faithful. I. Wait expectantly. (v 12-14) A. Waiting on God is an act of obedience. B. We wait for the return of Jesus Christ. (Zechariah 14) C. We pray because we expect God to keep His promises. II. Waiting…
September 3, 2017Passage: Acts 1:1-11Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Jesus empowers His body for His work until He returns. I. The work of Jesus continues. (v 1-5) A. Keep growing in your walk with Christ. B. We work because of the resurrection. C. The Holy Spirit unites us for Christ’s work. II. We work to…
August 27, 2017Passage: Philippians 4:10-23Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Generosity is a sign of contentment and growth in Jesus. I. Contentment is not elusive for Christians. (v 10-13) A. Giving because of Jesus has the greatest impact. B. God teaches contentment in every situation. C. Satisfaction is always found in Jesus, Himself. II. Christian contentment results…
August 20, 2017Passage: Psalm 86:8-13Speaker: Jamie MeadMain Point: Getting to know God leads to an undivided heart before Him. I. Yahweh is greater than all other gods. (v 8-9) A. Yahweh is greater than the gods of Egypt. B. Yahweh is greater that the god Dagon. C. Yahweh is greater than the gods Baal and…
August 13, 2017Passage: Jonah 4:1-11Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God gently teaches us that His grace is limitless. I. Draw near to God in difficult times. (v 1-4) A. Jonah is unflinchingly honest. B. Don’t hesitate to bring your frustrations to God. C. Jonah is unflinchingly stubborn. II. God is patient with His rebellious children. (v…
August 6, 2017Passage: Jonah 3:1-10Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God’s invites you with unrelenting mercy to turn to Him. I. God’s mercy brings renewal. (v 1-4) A. God is a patient teacher. B. God’s judgment wakes you up to sin’s consequence. C. The message of judgment is about a merciful God. II. People hunger for truth…