December 10, 2017Passage: James 1:1-11Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God wants you to understand that trials are for maturity. I. James was written to persecuted believers (v.1) A. Grace transforms. B. James’ message applies to all believers. II. Trials are the maturing process for God’s kids (2-4) A. If trials are for my good, then joy…
December 3, 2017Passage: Revelation 2-3Speaker: Bill Knepper
November 26, 2017Passage: Revelation 3:14-22Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus always speaks the truth, motivated by love. I. Jesus is the Creator and the last word. (14) A. Jesus is the Author of creation. (Col 1:16) B. Jesus is faithful and true. C. Jesus is the Amen, the “so be it,” the final word. II. Jesus…
November 19, 2017Passage: Revelation 3:7-13Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Our purpose is to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ. I. The message of the church is Jesus. (7) A. Jesus is pure. B. Jesus is genuine. C. Jesus is in charge. II. Jesus has a message for the church. (8-10) A. A way…
October 29, 2017Speaker: Mike Spencer, Life Training Institute
October 22, 2017Passage: Revelation 3:1-6Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Do not be defeated by the failure of others but serve God even if you serve alone. I. Things are not always what they seem. (1) A. The seven spirits describe the character of Jesus. (Isaiah 11:2) B. The seven stars describe the command of Jesus. C.…
October 15, 2017Passage: Revelation 2:18-29Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Politically correct is a muzzle for those who would speak the truth. I. Jesus knows exactly what is going on. (18-19) A. Jesus is the One who sees all. B. Jesus is the One who is powerful. C. Jesus commends those who serve Him. II. The church…