May 6, 2018Passage: James 2:5-13Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: In Christ, we are freed from judgment and free to have mercy. I. All alike are precious to God. (v.5) A. Adopt God’s perspective. B. Don’t oppose God’s plan (for the lost). C. We must love God and love others with a Jesus–shaped love. II. All sin…
April 22, 2018Passage: Revelation 11:8-19Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Establishing God’s rule requires the removal of all that opposes it. I. Some oppose the rule of God. (8-10) A. The death of the two witnesses is celebrated. B. The crowd follows the lead of the beast. II. Everyone chooses to either oppose God or serve Him. …
April 15, 2018Passage: Revelation 11:1-7Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The reign of Jesus is as certain as the ticking of time. I. Preparation is made for the arrival of the King. (1-2) A. John measures the sanctuary, the altar and the people. B. The outer court is dominated by the nations. C. The 42 months are…
April 8, 2018Passage: Revelation 10:1-11Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Declaring the truth is best even if it is hard to bear. I. God wants the world to know what is coming. (1-4) A. The Words of Christ contradict the hopes of unbelievers. (Matthew 24:3-14) B. The truth about the end is revealed. C. But some things…
March 25, 2018Passage: Revelation 9:1-21Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: A hard heart misses the obvious truth. I. The enemies of God are permitted to act. (1-2) A. The fallen “star” is the devil. 1. Revelation 12:7-9 reveals the war in heaven. 2. Isaiah 14:12-15 describes the rebellion of Lucifer. 3. Luke 10:18 records the prophecy of…
March 18, 2018Passage: James 2:1-4Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Faith in Jesus shines when you show mercy. I. Faith in Jesus and overlooking the poor are incompatible. (v.1) A. Don’t let you faith in Jesus get distracted. B. God’s justice is perfect and his mercy is perfectly free, to me. C. Freely receive grace and freely…
March 11, 2018Passage: Revelation 8:1-13Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: After millennia of patience, the time for justice has come. I. The age long cry for justice is answered. (1-4) A. Many have searched the Bible for God’s timing. B. The seventh seal opens to the 7 trumpets. C. The prayers of the saints come before God.…