Worship the King (John 12:1-19)

April 14, 2019:  Palm Sunday, 2019Passage:  John 12:1-19Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Worship Jesus, the humble King given to you by God. I. Jesus is the anointed King.  (1-11)            A. He became a fragrant offering to God for my sin.  (Ephesians 5:2; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16)            B. The time to worship Jesus is now. II. Jesus is…

The Last Song (Psalm 118)

April. 7, 2019Passage:  Psalm 118Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  We gather to thank God for entering into our world. I. God knows what He is doing. (v.1-14)            A. We worship because we have been greatly blessed.  (Ephesians 1:3)            B. When crisis comes, don’t panic, wait on the Rescuer.            C. In his distress, Jesus trusted His Father.…

Relinquish (2 Timothy 4:9-22)

March 31, 2019Passage:  2 Timothy 4:9-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Jesus is with you every step of the way, so give God the glory. I. The Gospel begins and ends without me.            A. Trial brings priority into focus.            B. Encouragement brings us back from the brink.            C. We need physical, mental and spiritual encouragement. II. God…

Ready or Not (2 Timothy 4:1-8)

March 24, 2019Passage:  2 Timothy 4:1-8Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Listen to God’s call to follow Him and join in His mission. I. Catch the vision of your life on mission. (1-5)            A. What I do now depends on how I view the future.            B. The deception process begins when I take my eyes off Jesus.…

Recall and Repeat (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

March 17, 2019Passage:  2 Timothy 3:10-17Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  We learn about Jesus to teach others to learn about Jesus. I. It takes a disciple to make a disciple. (10-13)            A. A disciple imitates the master.            B. Jesus, who suffered, helps me when I suffer.  (Acts 13)            C. Disciples teach what the master taught. II.…

Recognize (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

March 10, 2019Passage:  2 Timothy 3:1-9Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Guard the truth so you don’t lose hope. I. Don’t be surprised by our perilous times. (1-4)            A. These times are marked by self–worship.            B. People are marked by rebellion and disrespect.            C. Society is driven by convenience and comfort. II. Be on your guard. (5-8)           …

Restored (2 Timothy 2:14-16)

March 3, 2019Passage:  2 Timothy 2:14-26Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Rest confidently because the Bible is enough. I. Rely on what is revealed in the Bible. (14-19)            A. Don’t lose a friend by winning the argument.            B. The Bible is our knowable source of truth.            C. God is in control, but you must turn from evil.…