April 11, 2021Passage: Genesis 12:1-9 Speaker: Josh Holland Details: I am called to walk by faith, die daily and proclaim Christ. I. Learn lessons from Abraham in God’s school of faith. (1-3) A. Saving faith begins with God’s drawing call. B. Depend upon God for what you can’t do yourself. C. Transformed believers call others to share…
March 28, 2021Speaker: Missionary – Eric Rivers
March 21, 2021Passage: Genesis 10:1-11:32, 12:2Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God opposes pride and brings me to the place of trusting in Him. I. God is the Lord over all the nations. (10:1-32) A. All humanity belongs to one race. (Acts 17:26a) B. The sin of rebellion is mankind’s default nature. C. Our God has blessed…
March 14, 2021Passage: Genesis 8:1-9:29Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God has revealed and fulfilled his promise to rescue us from sin. I. We patiently wait while God powerfully works. (8:1-19) A. Remember God’s patient promise of grace. B. Bloom where you’re planted. C. Look for God to work and listen for God to speak. D. Resist…
March 7, 2021Passage: Genesis 6:9-7:24Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Enter into Jesus and wait on Him as you walk through this life. I. Faith accepts judgment, but looks for grace to rain down. (9-22) A. The walk of faith is one step at a time. B. The salvation story believable. C. God instructs us how to…
February 28, 2021Passage: Genesis 5:1-6:8Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Sin and death are real, but so is God’s plan to end both. I. We are given a bright hope in a dark world. (Ch. 5) A. Praise God for new beginnings. (Galatians 6:15, 2 Corinthians 5:17) B. Pray for revival. C. Walk with God’s help. D.…
February 21, 2021Passage: Genesis 4:1-26Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Unchecked sin results in grief and generational unbelief. I. Sin begins with one person’s lack of faith in God. (v.1-7) A. It is good to be reminded that I need a Savior. B. Cain’s offering was not accepted because of Cain. C. Cain’s anger was rooted in…
February 7, 2021Passage: Genesis 3:1-24Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Guard against deception by acting on the truth of God’s Word. I. A war of deception is being waged against the truth. (1-7) A. Satan targets my weak points in faith and doctrine. B. Beware of the world’s decision-making grid. (v6) (1 John 2:16) 1. It appeals…
January 31, 2021Passage: Genesis 2:1-25Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: I can rest because my identity, purpose and future are in Christ. I. God’s creation work was complete and perfect. (v.1-3) A. God designed my week to contain rest, celebration and worship. B. Sabbath reminded Israel that they belonged to God. C. I rest in Jesus through…